Individual, Couples, and Family Counseling

The Counseling Process for Individuals and Couples


The counseling process at PPC is distinct from the “Medical Model”; that is widely practiced in the USA.

Some points of contrast:

Phoenix Process ConsultantsMedical Model
* Starts with Relationship Building* Starts with Diagnosis
* Assesses life struggles and difficulties* Names disorder and “illness”
* Helps client set goals* Treats with talk and Meds
* Helps client remove barriers to goals* Helps client to cope
* Uncovers and converts self defeating beliefs* Uses continuing sessions to maintain coping ability
* Uses personal holism and action to improve psychological life style and meet goals* Continues treatment based on insurance plan dictates
* Bases future relationship on transition and future Wellness* Return of “illness” sets future treatment

Contact Phoenix Process Consultants at 952-922-8822 for more information.